
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Do Kids Know Who They are?

I have long believed that we know better as kids who we are then we do as adults; before the world contorts our understanding with their own views of who we should be.

There have been countless accounts that have come to light in the past 10 years or so, of kids refusing to accept the labels be put upon them by the adult world.

Recently, another account has surfaced with a speech impaired kid that has insisted -- against the resistance of everyone around her, that she is, in fact a she -- despite being born with male biology.

As a kid, it seems that their nature self-identification is likely more true than any later in life.  Read the story in the link to follow and let me know what you think/


  1. I'm not sure everyone knows at that age. I did, but when my mother found me cross dressing at 5 she proceeded to freak out. She's no longer with us and I've since forgiven her but yeah it's definitely possible.

    You may find the following video interesting, it's an introduction to ideas in Queer Theory by Dr. Kathryn Stockton. In the video she discusses queer children among many other ideas.

  2. Kids don't decide to be male or female, they just follow that which feels natural to them I believe. BTW, thanks for the video link, I thought it was very good.
